Cooper makes it easy for your children to play their favorite games with their friends. Like any new technology, there are important things to be mindful of as a parent when your teen is using Cooper. Always keep an open line of communication when your child is using a new product/service to make sure they’re having a fun and productive time.

Here are some tips that we think will make you and your teen’s Cooper experience great:

  1. Keep a strong password
    1. When creating your password, keep it longer than 8 characters, use a mix of cases, numbers, and symbols, and leave out any personal information. A strong password ensures that only you can access your account.
  2. Add only your friends
    1. We designed Cooper to be for playing with your close friends. By design, any user can only add up to 7 friends. We did this to encourage connections between users and their closest friends. A user can only add someone if they know their phone number prior (if it’s stored in their phone’s contacts), or if they are in a party with someone who a friend has invited, and they add that user.
    2. Don’t add people you don’t know! And check in with your teen to see if they are adding people they know
  3. Know the difference between adding and blocking friends
    1. Users can delete a friend request, delete a friend, and even block a friend. Deleting a friend will a friend will remove them from your friends list, and blocking a friend will do that and also not allow future friend requests from them. Users can’t DM or invite to party chats other users who they are not friends with.
    2. Users may still end up interacting with blocked users if they end up joining a voice chat/party chat or group chat where that blocked user has joined.